Hotel Booking Demand, Clean Data - Basic Analysis

In [1]:
# This Python 3 environment comes with many helpful analytics libraries installed
# It is defined by the kaggle/python Docker image:
# For example, here's several helpful packages to load

import numpy as np # linear algebra
import pandas as pd # data processing, CSV file I/O (e.g. pd.read_csv)

# Input data files are available in the read-only "../input/" directory
# For example, running this (by clicking run or pressing Shift+Enter) will list all files under the input directory

import os
for dirname, _, filenames in os.walk('/kaggle/input'):
    for filename in filenames:
        print(os.path.join(dirname, filename))

# You can write up to 20GB to the current directory (/kaggle/working/) that gets preserved as output when you create a version using "Save & Run All" 
# You can also write temporary files to /kaggle/temp/, but they won't be saved outside of the current session


The dataset has information about two different hotel types, City Hotel and Resort Hotel. In this notebook we are going to clean our data and make a basis analysis.

The dataset that we are going to use contains the following columns:
adr : average daily rate
adults : number of adults
agent : ID of the travel agency that made the booking
arrival_date_day_of_month : Day of the month of the arrival date
arrival_date_month : Month of arrival date with 12 categories: “January” to “December”
arrival_date_week_number : Week number of the arrival date
arrival_date_year : Year of arrival date
assigned_room_type : Code for the type of room assigned to the booking. Sometimes the assigned room type differs from the reserved room type due to hotel operation reasons (e.g. overbooking) or by customer request. Code is presented instead of designation for anonymity reasons.
babies : Number of babies
booking_changes : Number of changes/amendments made to the booking from the moment the booking was entered on the PMS until the moment of check-in or cancellation.
children : Number of children.
company : ID of the company/entity that made the booking or responsible for paying the booking. ID is presented instead of designation for anonymity reasons.
country : Country of origin. Categories are represented in the ISO 3155–3:2013 format
customer_type : Type of booking, assuming one of four categories :

  • Contract - when the booking has an allotment or other type of contract associated to it;
  • Group – when the booking is associated to a group;
  • Transient – when the booking is not part of a group or contract, and is not associated to other transient booking;
  • Transient-party – when the booking is transient, but is associated to at least other transient booking

days_in_waiting_list : Number of days the booking was in the waiting list before it was confirmed to the customer
deposit_type : Indication on if the customer made a deposit to guarantee the booking. This variable can assume three categories:

  • No Deposit – no deposit was made.
  • Non Refund – a deposit was made in the value of the total stay cost.
  • Refundable – a deposit was made with a value under the total cost of stay.

distribution_channel : Booking distribution channel. The term “TA” means “Travel Agents” and “TO” means “Tour Operators”.
is_canceled : Value indicating if the booking was canceled (1) or not (0).
is_repeated_quests : Value indicating if the booking name was from a repeated guest (1) or not (0).
lead_time : Number of days that elapsed between the entering date of the booking into the PMS and the arrival date.
market_segment : Market segment designation. In categories, the term “TA” means “Travel Agents” and “TO” means “Tour Operators”.

meal : Type of meal booked. Categories are presented in standard hospitality meal packages:

  • Undefined/SC – no meal package
  • BB – Bed & Breakfast
  • HB – Half board (breakfast and one other meal – usually dinner)
  • FB – Full board (breakfast, lunch and dinner)

previous_bookings_not_canceled : Number of previous bookings not cancelled by the customer prior to the current booking.
previous_cancellations : Number of previous bookings that were cancelled by the customer prior to the current booking.
required_car_parking_spaces : Number of car parking spaces required by the customer.
reservation_status : Reservation last status, assuming one of three categories:

  • Canceled – booking was canceled by the customer
  • Check-Out – customer has checked in but already departed
  • No-Show – customer did not check-in and did inform the hotel of the reason why

reservation_status_date : Date at which the last status was set. This variable can be used in conjunction with the ReservationStatus to understand when was the booking canceled or when did the customer checked-out of the hotel.
reserved_room_type : Code of room type reserved. Code is presented instead of designation for anonymity reasons.
stays_in_weekend_nights : Number of weekend nights (Saturday or Sunday) the guest stayed or booked to stay at the hotel.
stays_in_week_nights : Number of week nights (Monday to Friday) the guest stayed or booked to stay at the hotel.
total_of_special_requests : Number of special requests made by the customer (e.g. twin bed or high floor).

In [2]:
hotel_bookings = pd.read_csv("/kaggle/input/hotel-booking-demand/hotel_bookings.csv")
hotel is_canceled lead_time arrival_date_year arrival_date_month arrival_date_week_number arrival_date_day_of_month stays_in_weekend_nights stays_in_week_nights adults ... deposit_type agent company days_in_waiting_list customer_type adr required_car_parking_spaces total_of_special_requests reservation_status reservation_status_date
0 Resort Hotel 0 342 2015 July 27 1 0 0 2 ... No Deposit NaN NaN 0 Transient 0.0 0 0 Check-Out 2015-07-01
1 Resort Hotel 0 737 2015 July 27 1 0 0 2 ... No Deposit NaN NaN 0 Transient 0.0 0 0 Check-Out 2015-07-01
2 Resort Hotel 0 7 2015 July 27 1 0 1 1 ... No Deposit NaN NaN 0 Transient 75.0 0 0 Check-Out 2015-07-02
3 Resort Hotel 0 13 2015 July 27 1 0 1 1 ... No Deposit 304.0 NaN 0 Transient 75.0 0 0 Check-Out 2015-07-02
4 Resort Hotel 0 14 2015 July 27 1 0 2 2 ... No Deposit 240.0 NaN 0 Transient 98.0 0 1 Check-Out 2015-07-03

5 rows × 32 columns

In [3]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 119390 entries, 0 to 119389
Data columns (total 32 columns):
 #   Column                          Non-Null Count   Dtype  
---  ------                          --------------   -----  
 0   hotel                           119390 non-null  object 
 1   is_canceled                     119390 non-null  int64  
 2   lead_time                       119390 non-null  int64  
 3   arrival_date_year               119390 non-null  int64  
 4   arrival_date_month              119390 non-null  object 
 5   arrival_date_week_number        119390 non-null  int64  
 6   arrival_date_day_of_month       119390 non-null  int64  
 7   stays_in_weekend_nights         119390 non-null  int64  
 8   stays_in_week_nights            119390 non-null  int64  
 9   adults                          119390 non-null  int64  
 10  children                        119386 non-null  float64
 11  babies                          119390 non-null  int64  
 12  meal                            119390 non-null  object 
 13  country                         118902 non-null  object 
 14  market_segment                  119390 non-null  object 
 15  distribution_channel            119390 non-null  object 
 16  is_repeated_guest               119390 non-null  int64  
 17  previous_cancellations          119390 non-null  int64  
 18  previous_bookings_not_canceled  119390 non-null  int64  
 19  reserved_room_type              119390 non-null  object 
 20  assigned_room_type              119390 non-null  object 
 21  booking_changes                 119390 non-null  int64  
 22  deposit_type                    119390 non-null  object 
 23  agent                           103050 non-null  float64
 24  company                         6797 non-null    float64
 25  days_in_waiting_list            119390 non-null  int64  
 26  customer_type                   119390 non-null  object 
 27  adr                             119390 non-null  float64
 28  required_car_parking_spaces     119390 non-null  int64  
 29  total_of_special_requests       119390 non-null  int64  
 30  reservation_status              119390 non-null  object 
 31  reservation_status_date         119390 non-null  object 
dtypes: float64(4), int64(16), object(12)
memory usage: 29.1+ MB


Dropping columns

We are going to drop company feature, because most of the values in it are null and the arrival_date_week_number because we will not use it.

In [4]:

Handle missing values

There are few columns that have missing values (children, country, agent, company).

In [5]:
hotel                                 0
is_canceled                           0
lead_time                             0
arrival_date_year                     0
arrival_date_month                    0
arrival_date_day_of_month             0
stays_in_weekend_nights               0
stays_in_week_nights                  0
adults                                0
children                              4
babies                                0
meal                                  0
country                             488
market_segment                        0
distribution_channel                  0
is_repeated_guest                     0
previous_cancellations                0
previous_bookings_not_canceled        0
reserved_room_type                    0
assigned_room_type                    0
booking_changes                       0
deposit_type                          0
agent                             16340
days_in_waiting_list                  0
customer_type                         0
adr                                   0
required_car_parking_spaces           0
total_of_special_requests             0
reservation_status                    0
reservation_status_date               0
dtype: int64

Filling Missing Values

We are going to fill the null values:

  • For the children and agent features we will use the median value to replace them.
  • For the country feature we are going to use the mode method, which will replace the missing values with the most frequent one.
In [6]:
# replace null values with median for children column
hotel_bookings['children'] = hotel_bookings['children'].fillna(hotel_bookings['children'].median())
In [7]:
# replace null values with median for agent column
hotel_bookings['agent'] = hotel_bookings['agent'].fillna(hotel_bookings['agent'].median())
In [8]:
# find which country is more frequent in our data
0    PRT
Name: country, dtype: object
In [9]:
# replace null values with the most frequent value in the country column
hotel_bookings['country'].fillna(hotel_bookings['country'].mode()[0], inplace=True)

Let's check our results.

In [10]:
hotel                             0
is_canceled                       0
lead_time                         0
arrival_date_year                 0
arrival_date_month                0
arrival_date_day_of_month         0
stays_in_weekend_nights           0
stays_in_week_nights              0
adults                            0
children                          0
babies                            0
meal                              0
country                           0
market_segment                    0
distribution_channel              0
is_repeated_guest                 0
previous_cancellations            0
previous_bookings_not_canceled    0
reserved_room_type                0
assigned_room_type                0
booking_changes                   0
deposit_type                      0
agent                             0
days_in_waiting_list              0
customer_type                     0
adr                               0
required_car_parking_spaces       0
total_of_special_requests         0
reservation_status                0
reservation_status_date           0
dtype: int64

Now that we are done with the null values we can go further and ask questions in our data.

In [11]:
hotel_bookings['arrival_date_year'] = hotel_bookings['arrival_date_year'].apply(str)

Checking for miswritings

There might be miswritings in our data. Therefore we will check the object columns to see if there are errors. Like, in the column arrival_date_month might be typed "Aug" instead of "August", or in column arrival_date_year might be typed "'15" instead of "2015" etc. But we can see that there are not miswritings here.

In [12]:
#find the unique values on our data

df = pd.DataFrame(hotel_bookings, columns=["hotel", "arrival_date_month","arrival_date_year", "country", "market_segment", "distribution_channel", "reserved_room_type", "assigned_room_type", "deposit_type", "customer_type", "reservation_status"])
for col in df:
   print (col, df[col].unique())
hotel ['Resort Hotel' 'City Hotel']
arrival_date_month ['July' 'August' 'September' 'October' 'November' 'December' 'January'
 'February' 'March' 'April' 'May' 'June']
arrival_date_year ['2015' '2016' '2017']
country ['PRT' 'GBR' 'USA' 'ESP' 'IRL' 'FRA' 'ROU' 'NOR' 'OMN' 'ARG' 'POL' 'DEU'
 'BEL' 'CHE' 'CN' 'GRC' 'ITA' 'NLD' 'DNK' 'RUS' 'SWE' 'AUS' 'EST' 'CZE'
 'BRA' 'FIN' 'MOZ' 'BWA' 'LUX' 'SVN' 'ALB' 'IND' 'CHN' 'MEX' 'MAR' 'UKR'
 'SMR' 'LVA' 'PRI' 'SRB' 'CHL' 'AUT' 'BLR' 'LTU' 'TUR' 'ZAF' 'AGO' 'ISR'
 'CYM' 'ZMB' 'CPV' 'ZWE' 'DZA' 'KOR' 'CRI' 'HUN' 'ARE' 'TUN' 'JAM' 'HRV'
 'HKG' 'IRN' 'GEO' 'AND' 'GIB' 'URY' 'JEY' 'CAF' 'CYP' 'COL' 'GGY' 'KWT'
 'NGA' 'MDV' 'VEN' 'SVK' 'FJI' 'KAZ' 'PAK' 'IDN' 'LBN' 'PHL' 'SEN' 'SYC'
 'AZE' 'BHR' 'NZL' 'THA' 'DOM' 'MKD' 'MYS' 'ARM' 'JPN' 'LKA' 'CUB' 'CMR'
 'BIH' 'MUS' 'COM' 'SUR' 'UGA' 'BGR' 'CIV' 'JOR' 'SYR' 'SGP' 'BDI' 'SAU'
 'VNM' 'PLW' 'QAT' 'EGY' 'PER' 'MLT' 'MWI' 'ECU' 'MDG' 'ISL' 'UZB' 'NPL'
 'BHS' 'MAC' 'TGO' 'TWN' 'DJI' 'STP' 'KNA' 'ETH' 'IRQ' 'HND' 'RWA' 'KHM'
 'MCO' 'BGD' 'IMN' 'TJK' 'NIC' 'BEN' 'VGB' 'TZA' 'GAB' 'GHA' 'TMP' 'GLP'
 'KEN' 'LIE' 'GNB' 'MNE' 'UMI' 'MYT' 'FRO' 'MMR' 'PAN' 'BFA' 'LBY' 'MLI'
 'NAM' 'BOL' 'PRY' 'BRB' 'ABW' 'AIA' 'SLV' 'DMA' 'PYF' 'GUY' 'LCA' 'ATA'
 'GTM' 'ASM' 'MRT' 'NCL' 'KIR' 'SDN' 'ATF' 'SLE' 'LAO']
market_segment ['Direct' 'Corporate' 'Online TA' 'Offline TA/TO' 'Complementary' 'Groups'
 'Undefined' 'Aviation']
distribution_channel ['Direct' 'Corporate' 'TA/TO' 'Undefined' 'GDS']
reserved_room_type ['C' 'A' 'D' 'E' 'G' 'F' 'H' 'L' 'P' 'B']
assigned_room_type ['C' 'A' 'D' 'E' 'G' 'F' 'I' 'B' 'H' 'P' 'L' 'K']
deposit_type ['No Deposit' 'Refundable' 'Non Refund']
customer_type ['Transient' 'Contract' 'Transient-Party' 'Group']
reservation_status ['Check-Out' 'Canceled' 'No-Show']

Check for logical errors

We have three columns (children, adults, babies) that can't be zero all the them at the same row. But we can see that there are 180 rows where all of them are 0.

In [13]:
# filter data

filter = (hotel_bookings.children == 0) & (hotel_bookings.adults == 0) & (hotel_bookings.babies == 0)
hotel is_canceled lead_time arrival_date_year arrival_date_month arrival_date_day_of_month stays_in_weekend_nights stays_in_week_nights adults children ... booking_changes deposit_type agent days_in_waiting_list customer_type adr required_car_parking_spaces total_of_special_requests reservation_status reservation_status_date
2224 Resort Hotel 0 1 2015 October 6 0 3 0 0.0 ... 1 No Deposit 14.0 0 Transient-Party 0.00 0 0 Check-Out 2015-10-06
2409 Resort Hotel 0 0 2015 October 12 0 0 0 0.0 ... 0 No Deposit 14.0 0 Transient 0.00 0 0 Check-Out 2015-10-12
3181 Resort Hotel 0 36 2015 November 20 1 2 0 0.0 ... 0 No Deposit 38.0 0 Transient-Party 0.00 0 0 Check-Out 2015-11-23
3684 Resort Hotel 0 165 2015 December 30 1 4 0 0.0 ... 1 No Deposit 308.0 122 Transient-Party 0.00 0 0 Check-Out 2016-01-04
3708 Resort Hotel 0 165 2015 December 30 2 4 0 0.0 ... 1 No Deposit 308.0 122 Transient-Party 0.00 0 0 Check-Out 2016-01-05
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
115029 City Hotel 0 107 2017 June 27 0 3 0 0.0 ... 1 No Deposit 7.0 0 Transient 100.80 0 0 Check-Out 2017-06-30
115091 City Hotel 0 1 2017 June 30 0 1 0 0.0 ... 0 No Deposit 14.0 0 Transient 0.00 1 1 Check-Out 2017-07-01
116251 City Hotel 0 44 2017 July 15 1 1 0 0.0 ... 2 No Deposit 425.0 0 Transient 73.80 0 0 Check-Out 2017-07-17
116534 City Hotel 0 2 2017 July 15 2 5 0 0.0 ... 1 No Deposit 9.0 0 Transient-Party 22.86 0 1 Check-Out 2017-07-22
117087 City Hotel 0 170 2017 July 27 0 2 0 0.0 ... 0 No Deposit 52.0 0 Transient 0.00 0 0 Check-Out 2017-07-29

180 rows × 30 columns

In [14]:
#drop rows with logical errors

indexguest = hotel_bookings[(hotel_bookings['children'] == 0) & (hotel_bookings['adults'] == 0) & (hotel_bookings['babies'] == 0)].index
hotel_bookings.drop(indexguest , inplace=True)

#reset index to our new dataset
hotel_bookings.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
hotel is_canceled lead_time arrival_date_year arrival_date_month arrival_date_day_of_month stays_in_weekend_nights stays_in_week_nights adults children ... booking_changes deposit_type agent days_in_waiting_list customer_type adr required_car_parking_spaces total_of_special_requests reservation_status reservation_status_date
0 Resort Hotel 0 342 2015 July 1 0 0 2 0.0 ... 3 No Deposit 14.0 0 Transient 0.0 0 0 Check-Out 2015-07-01
1 Resort Hotel 0 737 2015 July 1 0 0 2 0.0 ... 4 No Deposit 14.0 0 Transient 0.0 0 0 Check-Out 2015-07-01
2 Resort Hotel 0 7 2015 July 1 0 1 1 0.0 ... 0 No Deposit 14.0 0 Transient 75.0 0 0 Check-Out 2015-07-02
3 Resort Hotel 0 13 2015 July 1 0 1 1 0.0 ... 0 No Deposit 304.0 0 Transient 75.0 0 0 Check-Out 2015-07-02
4 Resort Hotel 0 14 2015 July 1 0 2 2 0.0 ... 0 No Deposit 240.0 0 Transient 98.0 0 1 Check-Out 2015-07-03

5 rows × 30 columns

Let's check if the rows with the wrong data are dropped. Now our dataset from 119390 rows has 119210 (exactly 180 rows less)

In [15]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 119210 entries, 0 to 119209
Data columns (total 30 columns):
 #   Column                          Non-Null Count   Dtype  
---  ------                          --------------   -----  
 0   hotel                           119210 non-null  object 
 1   is_canceled                     119210 non-null  int64  
 2   lead_time                       119210 non-null  int64  
 3   arrival_date_year               119210 non-null  object 
 4   arrival_date_month              119210 non-null  object 
 5   arrival_date_day_of_month       119210 non-null  int64  
 6   stays_in_weekend_nights         119210 non-null  int64  
 7   stays_in_week_nights            119210 non-null  int64  
 8   adults                          119210 non-null  int64  
 9   children                        119210 non-null  float64
 10  babies                          119210 non-null  int64  
 11  meal                            119210 non-null  object 
 12  country                         119210 non-null  object 
 13  market_segment                  119210 non-null  object 
 14  distribution_channel            119210 non-null  object 
 15  is_repeated_guest               119210 non-null  int64  
 16  previous_cancellations          119210 non-null  int64  
 17  previous_bookings_not_canceled  119210 non-null  int64  
 18  reserved_room_type              119210 non-null  object 
 19  assigned_room_type              119210 non-null  object 
 20  booking_changes                 119210 non-null  int64  
 21  deposit_type                    119210 non-null  object 
 22  agent                           119210 non-null  float64
 23  days_in_waiting_list            119210 non-null  int64  
 24  customer_type                   119210 non-null  object 
 25  adr                             119210 non-null  float64
 26  required_car_parking_spaces     119210 non-null  int64  
 27  total_of_special_requests       119210 non-null  int64  
 28  reservation_status              119210 non-null  object 
 29  reservation_status_date         119210 non-null  object 
dtypes: float64(3), int64(14), object(13)
memory usage: 27.3+ MB
In [16]:


Let's make a dataset which will include only the people that did not cancel their room reservation. And then we will analyze the data for those that did cancelled.

In [17]:
not_cancelled = hotel_bookings[hotel_bookings['is_canceled'] == 0]
hotel is_canceled lead_time arrival_date_year arrival_date_month arrival_date_day_of_month stays_in_weekend_nights stays_in_week_nights adults children ... booking_changes deposit_type agent days_in_waiting_list customer_type adr required_car_parking_spaces total_of_special_requests reservation_status reservation_status_date
0 Resort Hotel 0 342 2015 July 1 0 0 2 0.0 ... 3 No Deposit 14.0 0 Transient 0.0 0 0 Check-Out 2015-07-01
1 Resort Hotel 0 737 2015 July 1 0 0 2 0.0 ... 4 No Deposit 14.0 0 Transient 0.0 0 0 Check-Out 2015-07-01
2 Resort Hotel 0 7 2015 July 1 0 1 1 0.0 ... 0 No Deposit 14.0 0 Transient 75.0 0 0 Check-Out 2015-07-02
3 Resort Hotel 0 13 2015 July 1 0 1 1 0.0 ... 0 No Deposit 304.0 0 Transient 75.0 0 0 Check-Out 2015-07-02
4 Resort Hotel 0 14 2015 July 1 0 2 2 0.0 ... 0 No Deposit 240.0 0 Transient 98.0 0 1 Check-Out 2015-07-03

5 rows × 30 columns

Let's ckeck if we have the right dataset. If the there are any values for columns stays_in_weekend_nights and stays_in_week_night have same value 0 or 1, then something is wrong and we have false data. Maybe something wrong with the data entry. Our outcome is False that means we are good to go.

In [18]:

The people that did not cancel their reservation is 63% of our data

In [19]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 75011 entries, 0 to 119209
Data columns (total 30 columns):
 #   Column                          Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                          --------------  -----  
 0   hotel                           75011 non-null  object 
 1   is_canceled                     75011 non-null  int64  
 2   lead_time                       75011 non-null  int64  
 3   arrival_date_year               75011 non-null  object 
 4   arrival_date_month              75011 non-null  object 
 5   arrival_date_day_of_month       75011 non-null  int64  
 6   stays_in_weekend_nights         75011 non-null  int64  
 7   stays_in_week_nights            75011 non-null  int64  
 8   adults                          75011 non-null  int64  
 9   children                        75011 non-null  float64
 10  babies                          75011 non-null  int64  
 11  meal                            75011 non-null  object 
 12  country                         75011 non-null  object 
 13  market_segment                  75011 non-null  object 
 14  distribution_channel            75011 non-null  object 
 15  is_repeated_guest               75011 non-null  int64  
 16  previous_cancellations          75011 non-null  int64  
 17  previous_bookings_not_canceled  75011 non-null  int64  
 18  reserved_room_type              75011 non-null  object 
 19  assigned_room_type              75011 non-null  object 
 20  booking_changes                 75011 non-null  int64  
 21  deposit_type                    75011 non-null  object 
 22  agent                           75011 non-null  float64
 23  days_in_waiting_list            75011 non-null  int64  
 24  customer_type                   75011 non-null  object 
 25  adr                             75011 non-null  float64
 26  required_car_parking_spaces     75011 non-null  int64  
 27  total_of_special_requests       75011 non-null  int64  
 28  reservation_status              75011 non-null  object 
 29  reservation_status_date         75011 non-null  object 
dtypes: float64(3), int64(14), object(13)
memory usage: 17.7+ MB

We can observe from the following table that:

  • Mean time for them to check in for their room is 80 days.
  • Most of them were 2 adults with no kids
  • The years that our dataset is about are 2015 until 2017 and the year with the most guest is 2016 (49% of our data)
  • Repeated guests are very low.
  • The hotel type that was prefered was City Hotel (61% of the guests)
  • August was the month with the most traffic.
  • Online Travel Agents is prefered for booking, making no deposit.
  • Most of the guests wanted a room type A (almost 55% of the dataset).
  • Most of the guests were from Portugal (29 % of the dataset)
In [20]:
is_canceled lead_time arrival_date_day_of_month stays_in_weekend_nights stays_in_week_nights adults children babies is_repeated_guest previous_cancellations previous_bookings_not_canceled booking_changes agent days_in_waiting_list adr required_car_parking_spaces total_of_special_requests
count 75011.0 75011.000000 75011.000000 75011.000000 75011.000000 75011.000000 75011.000000 75011.000000 75011.000000 75011.000000 75011.000000 75011.000000 75011.000000 75011.000000 75011.000000 75011.000000 75011.000000
mean 0.0 80.082028 15.838810 0.928064 2.461999 1.833518 0.102558 0.010398 0.042727 0.015758 0.203064 0.289784 81.025703 1.587687 100.169212 0.099412 0.714455
std 0.0 91.137797 8.776488 0.987820 1.907424 0.504148 0.391212 0.113123 0.202242 0.272486 1.812020 0.717243 108.366154 14.781224 49.070644 0.303332 0.834026
min 0.0 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 -6.380000 0.000000 0.000000
25% 0.0 9.000000 8.000000 0.000000 1.000000 2.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 9.000000 0.000000 67.760000 0.000000 0.000000
50% 0.0 45.000000 16.000000 1.000000 2.000000 2.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 14.000000 0.000000 92.700000 0.000000 1.000000
75% 0.0 124.000000 23.000000 2.000000 3.000000 2.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 171.000000 0.000000 125.000000 0.000000 1.000000
max 0.0 737.000000 31.000000 19.000000 50.000000 4.000000 3.000000 10.000000 1.000000 13.000000 72.000000 18.000000 535.000000 379.000000 510.000000 8.000000 5.000000
In [21]:
hotel arrival_date_year arrival_date_month meal country market_segment distribution_channel reserved_room_type assigned_room_type deposit_type customer_type reservation_status reservation_status_date
count 75011 75011 75011 75011 75011 75011 75011 75011 75011 75011 75011 75011 75011
unique 2 3 12 5 165 7 5 9 10 3 4 1 805
top City Hotel 2016 August BB PRT Online TA TA/TO A A No Deposit Transient Check-Out 2015-12-08
freq 46084 36299 8624 57730 21398 35673 57614 52248 41077 74792 52982 75011 243


Let's observe the above results in a more visual way

In [22]:
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/scipy/ UserWarning: A NumPy version >=1.16.5 and <1.23.0 is required for this version of SciPy (detected version 1.23.5
  warnings.warn(f"A NumPy version >={np_minversion} and <{np_maxversion}"
In [23]:
plt.pie(val,labels=['City Hotel','Resort Hotel'],autopct="%1.1f%%",shadow=True,explode=(0.1,0),textprops={'fontsize': 12})
plt.title('Hotel Type Preference', fontsize = 15)
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Hotel Type Preference')
In [24]:
# We can simply use a countplot as we sre visualising categorical data

# data we will use in a list
l1 = ['hotel','arrival_date_month']

# plotting
sns.countplot(data = not_cancelled[l1],x= "arrival_date_month",hue="hotel",order=["January","February","March","April","May","June",
'Number of Visitors Each Month')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Count')
In [25]:
# We can simply use a countplot as we are visualising categorical data

# data we will use in a list
l2 = ['hotel','arrival_date_year']

# plotting
sns.countplot(data = not_cancelled[l2],x= "arrival_date_year",hue="hotel",order=["2015","2016","2017"]).set_title(
'Number of Visitors Each Year')
Text(0, 0.5, 'Count')
In [26]:
plt.figure(figsize = (7, 5))
sns.histplot(not_cancelled["lead_time"], bins = 20)
<Axes: xlabel='lead_time', ylabel='Count'>

Let's check from which country we the guests that checked-in. We will limit our data to the countries that had at least 200 guests, in order to plot the countries with the most guests.

In [27]:
country_counts = not_cancelled['country'].value_counts().reset_index()
country_counts.columns = ['country', 'No of guests']
country No of guests
0 PRT 21398
1 GBR 9668
2 FRA 8468
3 ESP 6383
4 DEU 6067
... ... ...
160 BHR 1
161 DJI 1
162 MLI 1
163 NPL 1
164 FRO 1

165 rows × 2 columns

In [28]:
indexguest2 = country_counts[(country_counts['No of guests'] < 200)].index
country_counts.drop(indexguest2 , inplace=True)
country No of guests
0 PRT 21398
1 GBR 9668
2 FRA 8468
3 ESP 6383
4 DEU 6067
5 IRL 2542
6 ITA 2428
7 BEL 1868
8 NLD 1716
9 USA 1592
10 BRA 1392
11 CHE 1298
12 AUT 1033
13 CN 1025
14 SWE 793
15 POL 703
16 CHN 537
17 ISR 500
18 NOR 426
19 RUS 391
20 FIN 377
21 ROU 366
22 DNK 326
23 AUS 319
In [29]:
country_counts.plot(kind='bar',x='country',y='No of guests',figsize=(15,8))
<Axes: xlabel='country'>


In [30]:
cancelled = hotel_bookings[hotel_bookings['is_canceled'] == 1]
hotel is_canceled lead_time arrival_date_year arrival_date_month arrival_date_day_of_month stays_in_weekend_nights stays_in_week_nights adults children ... booking_changes deposit_type agent days_in_waiting_list customer_type adr required_car_parking_spaces total_of_special_requests reservation_status reservation_status_date
8 Resort Hotel 1 85 2015 July 1 0 3 2 0.0 ... 0 No Deposit 240.0 0 Transient 82.0 0 1 Canceled 2015-05-06
9 Resort Hotel 1 75 2015 July 1 0 3 2 0.0 ... 0 No Deposit 15.0 0 Transient 105.5 0 0 Canceled 2015-04-22
10 Resort Hotel 1 23 2015 July 1 0 4 2 0.0 ... 0 No Deposit 240.0 0 Transient 123.0 0 0 Canceled 2015-06-23
27 Resort Hotel 1 60 2015 July 1 2 5 2 0.0 ... 0 No Deposit 240.0 0 Transient 107.0 0 2 Canceled 2015-05-11
32 Resort Hotel 1 96 2015 July 1 2 8 2 0.0 ... 0 No Deposit 14.0 0 Transient 108.3 0 2 Canceled 2015-05-29

5 rows × 30 columns

Checking if our dataset is right. By checking the column "reservation_status" we can see that it has only values "Canceled" and "No-show". Therefore, our dataset is right, having only the cancelled data.

In [31]:
array(['Canceled', 'No-Show'], dtype=object)
In [32]:
In [33]:
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Index: 44199 entries, 8 to 117115
Data columns (total 30 columns):
 #   Column                          Non-Null Count  Dtype  
---  ------                          --------------  -----  
 0   hotel                           44199 non-null  object 
 1   is_canceled                     44199 non-null  int64  
 2   lead_time                       44199 non-null  int64  
 3   arrival_date_year               44199 non-null  object 
 4   arrival_date_month              44199 non-null  object 
 5   arrival_date_day_of_month       44199 non-null  int64  
 6   stays_in_weekend_nights         44199 non-null  int64  
 7   stays_in_week_nights            44199 non-null  int64  
 8   adults                          44199 non-null  int64  
 9   children                        44199 non-null  float64
 10  babies                          44199 non-null  int64  
 11  meal                            44199 non-null  object 
 12  country                         44199 non-null  object 
 13  market_segment                  44199 non-null  object 
 14  distribution_channel            44199 non-null  object 
 15  is_repeated_guest               44199 non-null  int64  
 16  previous_cancellations          44199 non-null  int64  
 17  previous_bookings_not_canceled  44199 non-null  int64  
 18  reserved_room_type              44199 non-null  object 
 19  assigned_room_type              44199 non-null  object 
 20  booking_changes                 44199 non-null  int64  
 21  deposit_type                    44199 non-null  object 
 22  agent                           44199 non-null  float64
 23  days_in_waiting_list            44199 non-null  int64  
 24  customer_type                   44199 non-null  object 
 25  adr                             44199 non-null  float64
 26  required_car_parking_spaces     44199 non-null  int64  
 27  total_of_special_requests       44199 non-null  int64  
 28  reservation_status              44199 non-null  object 
 29  reservation_status_date         44199 non-null  object 
dtypes: float64(3), int64(14), object(13)
memory usage: 10.5+ MB

We can observe from the following table that:

  • Mean time for them to check in for their room is 144 days. (That means that if the room is booked to many days prior the chech-in day, probably will be cancelled.)
  • Most of them were 2 adults with no kids
  • Most cancellations were made for City Hotel (75% of the cancellations)
  • August had the most cancellations.
  • Most cancellations were made from Portugal (62 % of the cancellations)
In [34]:
is_canceled lead_time arrival_date_day_of_month stays_in_weekend_nights stays_in_week_nights adults children babies is_repeated_guest previous_cancellations previous_bookings_not_canceled booking_changes agent days_in_waiting_list adr required_car_parking_spaces total_of_special_requests
count 44199.0 44199.000000 44199.000000 44199.000000 44199.00000 44199.000000 44199.000000 44199.000000 44199.000000 44199.000000 44199.000000 44199.000000 44199.000000 44199.000000 44199.000000 44199.0 44199.000000
mean 1.0 144.886264 15.730673 0.925338 2.56232 1.902803 0.106563 0.003824 0.012444 0.208421 0.025136 0.098328 69.631168 3.566099 105.023703 0.0 0.328899
std 0.0 118.611795 8.788521 1.007389 1.87780 0.676720 0.411443 0.062447 0.110856 1.332704 0.679133 0.451069 101.270625 21.494677 52.526686 0.0 0.649236
min 1.0 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.00000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0 0.000000
25% 1.0 49.000000 8.000000 0.000000 1.00000 2.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 9.000000 0.000000 72.800000 0.0 0.000000
50% 1.0 113.000000 16.000000 1.000000 2.00000 2.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 14.000000 0.000000 96.300000 0.0 0.000000
75% 1.0 214.000000 23.000000 2.000000 3.00000 2.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 96.000000 0.000000 127.670000 0.0 0.000000
max 1.0 629.000000 31.000000 16.000000 40.00000 55.000000 10.000000 2.000000 1.000000 26.000000 58.000000 16.000000 531.000000 391.000000 5400.000000 0.0 5.000000
In [35]:
hotel arrival_date_year arrival_date_month meal country market_segment distribution_channel reserved_room_type assigned_room_type deposit_type customer_type reservation_status reservation_status_date
count 44199 44199 44199 44199 44199 44199 44199 44199 44199 44199 44199 44199 44199
unique 2 3 12 5 127 8 5 9 11 3 4 2 902
top City Hotel 2016 August BB PRT Online TA TA/TO A A No Deposit Transient Canceled 2015-10-21
freq 33079 20324 5237 34506 27563 20735 40136 33625 32943 29669 36494 42993 1373


In [36]:
fig, (ax1,ax2) = plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(10,10)) #ax1,ax2 refer to your two pies

# 1,2 denotes 1 row, 2 columns - if you want to stack vertically, it would be 2,1

            labels=['City Hotel', 'Resort Hotel'],autopct = '%1.1f%%') #plot first pie
ax1.set_title('Guests vs Hotel Type')

            labels=['City Hotel', 'Resort Hotel'],autopct = '%1.1f%%') #plot second pie
ax2.set_title('Cancellation vs Hotel Type')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Cancellation vs Hotel Type')
In [37]:
# make two subplots side by side which share the same y-axis

fig, ax =plt.subplots(1,2,figsize=(10,7), sharey=True)
l2 = ['hotel','arrival_date_year']

sns.countplot(not_cancelled[l2],x= "arrival_date_year",hue="hotel",order=["2015","2016","2017"], ax=ax[0]).set_title(
'Number of Visitors Each Year', fontsize=18)

sns.countplot(cancelled[l2],x= "arrival_date_year",hue="hotel",order=["2015","2016","2017"],  ax=ax[1]).set_title(
'Number of Cancellations Each Year', fontsize=18)

#add space
leg = ax[0].legend(fontsize=12)
leg = ax[1].legend(fontsize=12)
In [38]:
# make two subplots side by side which share the same y-axis

fig, ax =plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(12,7), sharey=True)

l1 = ['hotel','arrival_date_month']

sns.countplot(not_cancelled[l1],x= "arrival_date_month",hue="hotel",order=["January","February","March","April","May","June",
 "July","August","September","October","November","December"], ax=ax[0]).set_title(
'Number of Visitors Each Year')

sns.countplot(cancelled[l1],x= "arrival_date_month",hue="hotel",order=["January","February","March","April","May","June",
 "July","August","September","October","November","December"],  ax=ax[1]).set_title(
'Number of Cancellations Each Year')

# change rotation of x-labels
plt.xticks(rotation=45, ha='right')
leg = ax[0].legend(fontsize=12)
leg = ax[1].legend(fontsize=12)

#add space